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How night creams work while we sleep

During sleep is when cells need the most nutrients, which is all the more reason to apply a good night cream.

How night creams work while we sleep

For several reasons, creams are more suitable at night than first thing in the morning or any other time of the day, when it is protected from pollution, temperature changes or the sun’s rays. When we go to bed, it is more receptive and becomes more permeable, as well as secreting a greater amount of oil that keeps it hydrated for longer.

Every cell in our body has its own built-in clock, which is controlled by a small area of our brain, giving rise to what are known as circadian rhythms. By studying these rhythms, it has been shown that skin cells (fibroblasts, melanocytes and keratinocytes) act in a coordinated way and have a higher rate of regeneration and repair at night:

‘Night creams usually contain many repairing active ingredients that facilitate this function, but it is important that the skin is perfectly clean when we apply it, with all traces of make-up and impurities removed. It is also advisable to massage the area with the fingertips using a circular, draining massage when applying it to the cheeks, neck, forehead or facial oval’ – explains Filip Van, co-founder of Di Oleo, who also points out the eye area as one of the most important areas to treat: “It is the area where we can most clearly see the passing of the years and the one with the thinnest skin, and therefore the most delicate”.

What happens to our skin when we are sleeping

A good night’s rest and a good night’s sleep is essential if we are not to be tired the next morning, which is also essential when it comes to skin health, as skin cells regenerate during the night, renewing themselves more quickly and with higher rates of blood flow and permeability.

It is during sleep that cells need the most nutrients, all the more reason to apply a good night cream to take advantage of our skin’s innate repair system, a time when anti-ageing ingredients have the greatest impact and benefit.

‘At night, the production of natural collagen is favoured and we lose moisture due to the lack of sebum (natural oil) production, so a cream rich in moisturisers and applied at night, will restore that moisture to the skin. In addition, the temperature also changes, when we sleep the skin increases a few degrees and its pH becomes more acidic, factors that make the complexion slightly drier’ – says Esperanza Sáenz, image manager of Nezeni Cosmetics.

How to choose the best night cream

The best ones don’t have to be the most expensive, nor the ones with the best fragrance or the most ingredients, because in the latter case, the important thing is what they are rather than the number: ‘We should look for ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, sangre de drago, betaine or vitamin E, and of course, that these creams are free of parabens, mineral oils, silicones or sulphates. And although it is never too late to use them, it is best to start in your twenties, when the ageing process begins and collagen production starts to decrease’ – advises Esperanza Sáenz.

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