L.E.V. Festival (Laboratorio de Electrónica Visual) celebrates its 18th edition in Gijón (Asturias) from 1 to 5 May 2024. The festival celebrates its coming of age, once again turning the Asturian city into the place of reference for discovering the most heterodox side of electronic sound experimentation and contemporary audiovisual, scenic and digital creation.
With five days of programming, one more than in previous editions, this year’s proposal will occupy multiple venues in the city, placing special emphasis on audiovisual performances and musical performances, for which the festival has now announced its first names. Along with audiovisual installations and activities around extended realities, which will be announced soon.
Among the headliners performing at the Teatro de la Laboral, the Nave de LABoral Centro de Arte and the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies, we find Aïsha Devi, Martin Messier, Evian Christ or Myriam Bleau, in collaboration with Nien Tzu Weng, as well as Rrucculla, Sin Maldita & Lei, Cachito Turulo, Riccardo Giovinetto, Jacques, Puce Mary, LCY and Bromo in this first preview of the programme.

See the full programme and get your first tickets now at www.levfestival.com.
Juergen Teller’s latest exhibition is sponsored by Saint Laurent.
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