The ‘Beast of Vallecas’ thus becomes the first three-time champion in the history of the competition in Spain after beating Mnak, Alek and Segrelles.

Valencia fue testigo de la batalla de freestyle más decisiva de nuestro país: Red Bull Batalla, donde se decidía el título más exclusivo del rap improvisado al mejor freestyler en España de este año. Una competición en la que no solamente estaba en juego la corona nacional sino también el pase a la batalla de los campeones, la Final Internacional que este año se celebrará e Colombia el 2 de diciembre.
The national final started last Friday at 9pm at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, where MCs Soen, Kapo, MC Men, Bon and Invert were the judges. After hard-fought battles where the battles reached very high levels, it was finally time to play for the crown. Mnak and Chuty starred in the final and challenging duel, where the latter was chosen as the winner and the first three-time national champion in the history of Red Bull Battle in Spain.
7,000 attendees witnessed this historic show, one of those that make your skin crawl and rhymes that reverberate on the other side of the world.
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