Leia is just a PA (Personal Assistat) who seems to be -but only seems- completely overwhelmed by the comeback of the superstar who she assists, Jocelyne, the former princess of pop fighting all her demons to keep the crown, such as Britney Spears did back in the day. In fact, Jocelyne’s character is clearly inspired by Britney.
Just for you to have a clear picture, Leia’s life seems to be an infinite rollercoaster. Actually, if she was a real person, she could be on the verge to co-star -from the shadows- one of the most iconic moments of recent history. Bring yourself for a second back to 2018, when Britney told the world that she was there to stay and about to release new music. Do you remember the desert stunt that was live streamed worldwide where Britney was supposed to announce her upcoming Vegas Residency? Correct, the day when our girl, unashamedly, exhausted of being abused and forced to do what others wanted, decided to jump on stage, smile, keep her mouth shut and pass along the fans while You Better Work Bitch was loudly playing without announcing a single thing. She was clearly not working that day, bitch. From that moment onwards, the rest is history (#FreeBritney).
Well, if Leia’s character was real and if she was Britney’s actual PA, Leia would have been the only person in the world who knew what Britney was about to do. She would have known and she would have kept it to herself. After that, she would have used the stunt to convince her management to cancel the Residency and would have told everyone that it was for the best. But what’s important here is that she would have managed to please everyone and she would have been able to fulfill the contract with the Residency promoter. Britney jumped on stage. She did what she did, but she jumped on stage. And no one can deny that.
Leia is the stitcher. The Super Glue. A girl who has the capacity to obtain the information that she needs from an irresistible dude right before he pulls out her panties. Right after collecting the details that she needs, it is her who destroys his underwear for him to fuck her hard. She is fast and furious.
Leia plays the stage like no one else, she wants to seem dull, because she needs it. She is part of all the conversations even though she seems to not be present. And she uses it when she pleases. Leia is a friend too. She still has a tiny piece of humanity. And it is because of this crazy cocktail of things that the Leias of this world make the planet spin.
Keep an eye on this character’s evolution as she will be the one giving us life for the next few weeks. But never forget something; the only problem of the Leias of this world is that they are the ones who listen, observe, keep their mouths shut and act without anyone noticing it. Like if nothing happened. And, at the end of the day, organically and just because they have more information that they can actually process, they become the even more evil version of Miranda Priestly, Meryl Streep on The Devil Wears Prada.

As a side note, don’t be fooled by what it seems to be. The Idol is a show designed, written and produced for the mass audience that constantly flirts with some elements of the cult movies. And there’s no shame in it. Actually, this was already done by Euphoria, and we all loved it. The television series, such as the vast majority of the fiction products, abuses clichés and suppresses key elements from an industry which is struggling and that it is the real jungle out there. Sam Levinson keeps it simple and gives it to you ready to enjoy.
In a few words, The Idol is a television series for the mainstream audience. And mainstream rocks. Whoever says otherwise, babe, update yourself.
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