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What is the Dry January challenge?

January is the month of resolutions – the most common one? To cut down on alcohol consumption for a healthier lifestyle.

What is the Dry January challenge?

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lead a healthy lifestyle, which means cutting down on alcohol. Many people start the Dry January challenge to stay sober for the first month of the year. Perhaps in an attempt to cut down on alcohol consumption for the remaining 11 months, or simply to try to make up for the excesses of Christmas.

Giving up alcohol is not an easy process, considering that socialising in Spain is usually closely related to drinking. However, it is something that many people try to do after having spent half of the festive season drinking and the other half with a hangover. Dry January is about trying to reset and start from scratch, to recharge our batteries and feel better, both inside and out.

Dry January was devised by the UK-based NGO Alcohol Change in 2013, and that year more than four thousand people joined. By 2017, more than 5 million had joined, and now it has multiplied, proving that this trend is on the rise. Among the benefits: you save money, sleep better, have more energy, lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Overall, you improve your mental and physical health.

According to the charity Alcohol Change, “excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to worsening symptoms of many mental health problems. In particular, it can lead to low mood and anxiety”. What does this mean? That when your body is alcohol-free, you may well feel less agitated or your mood may be more stable and have fewer ups and downs.

What if we told you that many celebrities don’t drink alcohol? Model Bella Hadid has revealed on her Instagram that she has been sober for several months. Miley Cyrus said in June 2020 that she was sober because she needed it to undergo voice surgery and because of a family history of addiction. Anne Hathaway who admitted she had decided to stay sober for 18 years, until her son went to college.

Bradley Cooper told GQ in 2013 that if he kept drinking “I was really going to sabotage my whole life”. Jim Carrey, Tom Holland, Blake Lively, Kate Moss, Tom Hardy, SIA, Lana del Rey, Calvin Harris, Naomi Campbell, Ben Affleck, Bradley Cooper, Zac Efron, Brad Pitt and many more celebrities so stated that they don’t drink alcohol. There are plenty of examples to encourage you to try Dry January.

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