The counterfeit culture is becoming more and more integrated into modern society, making the taboo generated around replicas gradually disappear, while leading countless aesthetic thieves to continue producing increasingly accurate and convincing fakes. So is it worth buying fake shoes?

Beyond debating whether paying exorbitant prices to have a brand’s official label is really justified, let’s delve into the question of whether in 2023 there are still reasons to keep buying fake sneakers, and why so many sneakerheads are obsessed with buying knockoffs now more than ever.
A study recently conducted by Hotukdeals, after analyzing thousands of websites and social profiles, revealed that the 25 most counterfeit sneakers alone represent a black market of nearly £3 million.
The study also revealed the reasons why we buy replica sneakers. The main one? Lack of availability (48%), beyond the cost of the original product (8%) or resale (37%).
In the end, all this exclusivity generated around the product means that the original shoe brands themselves, with their discourse linked to the cult of the drop and the hype, end up being the main cause of the success of the black market. The limitation of the release ends up leading to an infinite ocean of replicas, as well as the fact that the sneakerhead community constantly succumbs to its charms.
With more than 3,000 entries dedicated to quality control and product reviews, the Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Dark Mocha is becoming the most counterfeited sneaker on the black market. The Mocha, which had their original release in 2020, are currently available for resale for around $500-800 depending on size, and that of their replicas around $128. In that ranking, the Jordan Fragment Low x Travis Scott rise to second place, above the Travis Scott 1.
Within this counterfeit universe, Nike is by far the most counterfeited brand, dominating the sector with 88% thanks also to the popularity of the Nike Dunk Low Black White 20, which has led the brand to rise to prominence within this controversial paradigm.
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