Dance Before They Come | The essence of a movement
Dance Before They Come by Rebeca Sueiro and Carlos Montilla explores from an artistic and conceptual point of view the participation and style of women in the Free Tekno scene of the 90s and 00s.
These are the latest art projects and artworks by our favourite contemporary artists both nationally and internationally.
Dance Before They Come by Rebeca Sueiro and Carlos Montilla explores from an artistic and conceptual point of view the participation and style of women in the Free Tekno scene of the 90s and 00s.
This past weekend CJ Hendry transformed a 22,000-square-foot Greenpoint warehouse into a 7 room rainbow house.
Chromosome Residence is like a drug that alters consciousness. That plays subversion through surrealist art, asymmetries and orthopedic workwear.
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