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HIGHXTAR Weekends | What to do in Madrid

One more week, from the HIGHXTAR team we are in charge of collecting the best plans to enjoy the weekend to the fullest.

One more week, from the HIGHXTAR team we are in charge of collecting the best plans to enjoy the weekend to the fullest. For all those who are out of ideas… Pay attention, here are our weekly recommendations.


We’re kicking off the last weekend of the year in the capital before the Christmas break. And what better way to say goodbye to 2022 than in our trusted club with our ChaChá Soundsystem family and one of the best DJs on the current scene: Toccororo. Tonight we’ll dance a lot and have a great time. Are you coming? Get your ticket for La Discoteca by clicking here.


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Una publicación compartida de LA DISCOTECA (@la.discoteca)


This weekend’s cultural plan is at CentroCentro and revolves around the Catalan architect Antonio GaudíGaudí is an exhibition that offers an approach to the person and work of the eminent artist, one of the most outstanding figures in international architecture and art.

The exhibition shows how his works stand out for the originality of their forms, ornamentation, chromaticism, richness of symbols and inspiration from nature; and how they underlie the rationality of his construction system, a prodigy of inventiveness and innovation, the fruit of his own personal genius, of study and of the painstaking and enormous work to which he devoted his whole life.


We can’t put the finishing touch to the weekend anywhere else but Antidote. This Sunday the guest artist is none other than Leïti Sene, who will not only delight us with an exclusive showcase but will also present her new mixtape APOCALIPSI.

We will also be able to enjoy dj sets by @airpods_owner_2021 b2b @bexnil and @kaidara_______ and of course @yosefthesoul.

A date you can’t miss, see you there! Tickets on sale by clicking here.


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Una publicación compartida de ANTIDOTO CLUB (

And if you’re in Barcelona Don’t miss HIGHXTAR Weekends | What to do in Barcelona.

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