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Is it possible to have an orgasm without pleasure?

Reaching orgasm is not always synonymous with a satisfactory sexual encounter or orgasm, explains LELO. Find out how to solve it.

The journey to orgasm is not always synonymous with sexual satisfaction. It is essential to analyse the causes of the lack of pleasure and, if necessary, see a specialist to treat the root of the problem. The erotic toy brand LELO explains the reasons for this and how to remedy it.

Unfortunately, it is possible to have an unpleasant orgasm. Reaching orgasm does not always mean that the sexual encounter or orgasm was satisfactory, or that, if you had negative sensations during the sexual encounter, they no longer exist. Sometimes there are physical and/or psychological reasons that significantly – and negatively – affect the journey to orgasm.

When people experience a “bad” orgasm, they describe it as a purely physical reaction, devoid of pleasure. Others even describe their orgasms as painful. Although pain during orgasm may indicate some kind of sexual dysfunction, many sufferers say that their pain is specific to their condition, for example, their bodies may not be aroused and are not ready for intense sensations.

Mind and body not in sync

When the body is aroused and the mind is not, or vice versa, some problems can occur that reduce the possibility of reaching orgasm. Research and studies have shown that people can experience orgasm in non-sexual situations such as exercise, breastfeeding or brushing our teeth.

Some of the problems surrounding female orgasm can be both physical and psychological. The most common are usually due to previous traumatic experiences, relationship problems, excessive preoccupation with sex, emotional disorders (such as depression), physical health problems, hormonal changes or problems, certain medications, lack of stimulation, gynaecological surgeries and other health problems.

Problems with orgasm can begin to be triggered by any of the above, but feeling pressured to orgasm can be very stressful and detract from the whole sexual relationship, even if you do reach orgasm.

It can also happen that you reach orgasm by masturbating alone and not with your partner. This may be due to relationship problems or lack of stimulation. Although many women do not need an orgasm to fully enjoy sex, not reaching orgasm can be a problem for other women and their partners. It’s no secret that a couple’s connection grows if you feel comfortable and share moments of pleasure with your partner.

If you have trouble having an orgasm with your partner, you can try the Tiani Harmony, erotic toy by LELO, an app-controlled vibrator for couples. It has two powerful motors that provide excitement and pleasure to both partners, leading to a more intimate common goal: a harmonious and satisfying orgasm.

When to ask for help

If you have problems having an orgasm, it is a good idea to consult your gynaecologist. He or she can help you see if the problem stems from a physical cause that can be treated. Something that can also help is to do regular pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles around your bladder, vagina and back, as they improve the health of your pelvic floor, making it easier for you to travel to orgasm.

On the other hand, if the cause is psychological, it can be very helpful to see a sex therapist or psychologist. As mentioned before, if you have had previous traumatic experiences or relationship problems, this could also be something that is blocking or impairing the journey to orgasm.

The assumption that experiencing orgasm means that sex is pleasurable is a false and potentially harmful belief. Couples should also share their concerns and desires when an orgasm occurs, as an orgasm does not necessarily mean the presence of arousal or a pleasurable experience.

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