Maria Escarmiento’s is a world where break-ups are danced, disappointments in love are a source of power, bravado is shared with your friends and sex is never a pyramid issue. It’s reggaeton but it’s not what you think.

We received the first notice about a year ago with Amargo amor, an atypical debut for a former OT contestant: Merca Bae’s bases were almost lysergic and Maria’s melody and lyrics made you wonder: am I horny or am I sad?
Then came Castigo and Otra noche with El Mini, one of the forerunners of trap and reggaeton in Spain, and finally Chulo, the song that they performed
Poco a poco María Escarmiento ha ido construyendo un camino único hasta completar Sintiéndolo Mucho, su primer EP. Aquí encontraremos las canciones que han ido apareciendo durante los últimos meses y tres temas nuevos producidos por Merca Bae: Bomba, un rompepistas que cita a King Africa pero suena a reggaetón del futuro mezclando una base jamaicana con gabber y música industrial, Baladón acompañada de Pedro Ladroga, y el perreo lento Ni tu cara, un triplete que podría resumirse en esto que canta Pedro Ladroga: “Mira te pongo en situación, armamos la conexión con el Merca, la Mari y un basón”. Es exactamente eso.
Little by little María Escarmiento has been building a unique path until completing Sintiéndolo Mucho, her first EP. Here we will find the songs that have been appearing during the last months and three new songs produced by Merca Bae: Bomba, a breaker that quotes King Africa but sounds like reggaeton of the future mixing a Jamaican base with gabber and industrial music, Baladón accompanied by Pedro Ladroga, and the slow perreo Ni tu cara, a triplet that could be summarized in this that Pedro Ladroga sings: “Look I put you in situation, we put together the connection with Merca, Mari and a bason“. That’s exactly what it is.
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